We want Relayd™ to be the easiest ticket system to use, but we're not there yet! After hearing the initial thoughts from our pilot clients, we decided the first change is to minimize the concept of a "Project" in the latest version 2.0.301 released on Dec. 23, 2013.
Project is simply a way to group tickets together for a client. For instance, as a general contractor, let's say you have a residential client (Mr. & Mrs. Jones) who wants a pool house built. You can create a project called
Pool House and any tickets you or the Jones' create are added to that project. This is especially useful if you do a lot of work with the Jones' and need to keep things organized.
We started out with an entire Projects section where you can add/edit/manage all projects.
Old Project Section |
But why have an entire section dedicated to projects? A project cannot exist if it does not belong to a client, so we decided to move all project functionality to the Client screen. After all, if you want look at a project you are working on for the Jones', wouldn't it make sense to go to the the Jones' client?
New Project Section |
Plus, you can now you can add a new Project on the fly while you are adding a new ticket. This means you don't have to have the Project created already or even know where you would go to create one. It just makes sense!
Add a Project from the New Ticket screen |
We eliminated an item on the menu, removed 3 dedicated pages for viewing, adding and editing projects and increased efficiency by allowing you to add a new ticket AND a new project from the same screen. Now we're on the hunt for other areas we can optimize! Stay tuned for even more improvements next week and don't forget to
suggest ideas if you spot anything we could add or do better.